Jenkins episode had no apparent effect on the election, etc.

My previous work in the field of sexual psychology and reference is a dictionary of terminology.

Dear Sirs:

Mr. T. Arlington, Virginia

Please send all further issues to me in care of the prison farm. Also I would like to know what to do about my difficulties. I should have only been put on probation since I have never been in trouble before. I will keep a diary of life here, it should be interesting.

Dear Sir:

Mr. B. West Virginia

I read with interest of the article "Homosexuality in America" in the Life International of July '64. I am a supporter of various organizations in this country which support the implementation of the Wolfenden proposals. I enclose International Reply Coupon for more details on your organization. Mr. N.


Walsall, England

I was delighted to find in your Magazine the translation by Marcel Martin (Jan. '65 ONE) of the Arcadie editorial. This editorial feelings.



my own

he authored and co-authored, that Mr. Masters is not a serious writer in the field of human sexology; rather, Mr. Masters reveals a hunger for notoriety and sensationalism. In his chapter on ONE Incorporated he states (in relation to the above mentioned article): "But what of the editors of ONE, who know very well that they have among their readers at least a fair number of mentally disturbed persons, receptive to such bizarre phantasies as Steuart's?"

In behalf of myself and with the assumed permission of the other readers of ONE Incorporated's publications I should like to pose the same question to Mr. Masters, especially in view of his publications such as "The Writer and the Black Beauty," a glorified piece of trash panting over the love of a man for the corpse of a woman he finds in the snow, takes home and cohabits with until the stench from the rotting cadaver becomes overwhelming; or the book he co-authored with Allen Edwardes, The Cradle of Erotica, which advocates the continued propagation of the slanderous myths of sexual superiority of certain racial and cultural groups because of the superior size of genital organs among these racial and cultural groups. It seems to me that the sowing of such illness as the glorification of sadism, necrophilia, genital mutilation, lust-murder and sexual racialism can have a devastating effect on the ". . . fair number of mentally disturbed persons, receptive to such bizarre phantasies as . . . Mr. Masters'.

Mr. S.

New York. N. Y.


Mr. W. New York, N. Y.

At one time I was a subscriber to ONE Magazine, but have been purchasing copies from newsstands since the termination of my subscription. There are some copies I seem to have missed though, for while reading the Homosexual Revolution by R. E. L. Masters I came across his discussion of an article published in the March 61 issue, written by James R. Steuart, titled "Homosexual Procreation" which has captured my interest.

I should like for you to send me a copy of the above issue of ONE. Mr. Masters has quoted only sections of the article and I should like to read it in its entirety.

I should like also to add a personal comment to Mr. Masters' book, and to the works of ONE Inc. It is clear from the content and tone of the book, as from the content and tone of Mr. Masters' other books which

Dear Editor:

Will you please in some way let the world know how homosexuals in Portland, Oregon are being persecuted by the closing of bars and book censorship.

Dear Friends:

Mr. A. Portland Oregon

Your appeal for funds to help clear up a $7,000 debt to the printer will have to go unheeded in this corner. I am very sorry that you find yourselves in debt to this extent, but I feel that you got yourselves there. Turning ONE Confidential into a nicely printed little magazine may have been a nice idea, but if it runs up the debt, we could all have gotten along with the old mimeo kind. Raising the subscription to $15 also scared off many people. It seems to me that your timing was poor, since several new publications have entered the field.

Mr. G.

New York N. Y.